Friday, October 25, 2013

Trying To Have A Female Baby - Two Amazing Techniques To Get a Daughter Promptly

Alkaline rich beverages also need to be avoided to give birth to a girl baby

On numerous occasions women pay close attention to their food, but neglect the drinks ( how to make a baby girl ). The drinks that you drink can make a difference and you need to be aware of that as well. Women need to watch the labels of bottled water and many other drinks. When a woman wants to give birth to a girl baby, the alkaline levels should be low and acidity high. Doing your own research is strongly recommended and the more you learn, the better it is. Many teas like linden and mint teas with herbs are not recommended to consume. They affect the levels of acidity of the reproductive tract, just like wheat grass for example. If you want to get pregnant with a baby girl, then you should find beverages that are acidity. Colas and lemonades in general are very acidic and are therefore highly recommended.

The correct sexual positions are helpful in getting pregnant with a daughter

There are various women, who firmly believe that specific sexual positions are beneficial ( how can I have a baby girl ). It seems that sexual position are the last thing that matters, but it actually makes sense. It is important to understand the differences of X and Y-chromosome sperm. Like I mentioned before, girl baby sperm are bigger, survive longer but are also slower. The idea is to make conditions very hard for the male producing spermatozoa to fertilize the egg. Women could do that, by using shallow sexual positions. A shallow sexual position means that the sperm needs to swim longer to get to the egg. If the conditions are really tough, the male producing sperm will not survive long enough. Sitting or lying down will help to create the necessary shallow position. And once you think about this technique, then it really does start to make sense to you.

Deciding the gender of a baby is becoming more common amongst couples in general. Unfortunately there is no effective, simple and cheap method that always works. Although some techniques and methods like biorhythms are used for that purpose. Some say that specific biorhythms control the body and these biorhythms could be used. It is believed that at certain periods, the woman is hormonally susceptible to give birth to a baby girl. If you know how these biorhythms occur, you can conceive a baby during the right time. The biorhythms technique uses the age of the woman to find the best time to give birth to a girl baby. It is calendar based and it would make sense, that there some biorhythms of the body. Some say this method has worked for them and can help a woman conceive a daughter.

Magnesium is important to take, to give birth to a girl baby

If a woman wants to give birth to a female child, then the chemical balance needs to be correct ( trying to have a female baby ). And certain foods help create the proper chemical balances to get pregnant with a daughter. A diet that is high magnesium and calcium will improve female fertility according to experts. For example milk, eggs and butter have a high calcium content and important to take. If you want to get more magnesium, you should be taking legumes and all kinds of nuts. So it is vital to put more emphasis on your diet, if you hope to have a girl. A diet alone might not make the difference by itself, but it will increase the chances for sure. If you have the desire, you could learn more about the proper diet to give birth to a girl baby.